Uforest, a Knowledge Alliance project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, aims to contribute to the development of entrepreneurial and innovation approaches within the sphere of urban forestry through developing diverse partnerships with universities, cities, businesses, public administrations, NGOs and local citizens. In so doing, the Project seeks to redefine the Urban Forestry sector through nurturing a culture of collaboration and cross-sector working to develop an Alliance of urban forestry stakeholders across Europe.

Does it perhaps remind you of something?
Following the conclusion of the Uforest project, the diverse partners are eager to secure Uforest’s legacy by fostering an enduring partnership with the European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF), which has cherished similar aspirations and desires for years concerning the urban forestry sector in Europe.

The European Urban Forestry Week

Promoted by Uforest, this “green week” aimed to raise awareness on the environmental, social and health benefits that urban green areas can provide for present and for future generations.
The week program unfolded with local planting events taking place across four different European cities: Barcelona, Brasov, Dublin and Milan, resulting in four new urban forests, which were established in collaboration with WOW nature platform.

Each newly planted urban forest is designed to address the specific needs of the different localities and the aspirations of the local communities concerned. 

1) Barcelona: Climatic refugia – for heat mitigation and shadow while promoting biodiversity conservation and reasonable use of water.

2) Brasov: Smart-Tech forest – installation of meteorological, pedological and spectral sensors to monitor environmental variables

3) Dublin: the Darndale donut – to provide a green space for recreational and educational activities while provide shelter and enhance an existing fishpond

4) Milan: Tiny forests – transform an unmanaged green space by two tiny forests (Miyawaki method), maximising the available space and enhancing the use of different species.

If you want to know more, please visit the dedicated webpage:


Photo credits: Uforest – plantation day in Dublin (Ireland)


Do you want to contribute in these initiatives?

If you want to adopt a tree for the Darndale Donut in Ireland: https://www.wownature.eu/en/wow-area/darndale-donut/

If with your company/business want to support the Tiny Forests in Italy:  https://www.wownature.eu/en/wow-area/tiny-forest-milan